Left Bank wedding photography – HG and Will

I may have mentioned it before, but weddings are celebrations. Celebrating with your nearest and dearest that you’ve found the ‘one’. Getting all your friends back in one room. And in the case of Will’s mum – getting all your children back in the same country, let alone the same venue.

And when you celebrate you inevitably lead to a party. So after your close friend has officiated your wedding (using a Fleetwood Mac album cover as a folder), it’s time to let your hair down. And my word that’s exactly what this bunch did.

The Leftbank was a perfect venue. The former Leeds church looked amazing in the May sun. The music played and the drinks flowed. That’s a ‘shots at 4pm’ kinda flow. Back Chat Brass were there to kick the party off in style, and took us late into the night.

Big thanks to Shelly for dragging me along for the day. Always a pleasure.