Hardcastle Crags – Pre-wedding shoot with Becca and Naomi

It was the weight of my backpack. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking with it.

Becca and Naomi love the outdoors and so the Hardcastle Crags at Hebden Bridge seemed like a brilliant choice for their pre-wedding shoot. Not only is it in a beautiful part of Yorkshire, it’s also stunning in it’s own right. We lucked out with the weather (it was supposed to be raining), and it was pretty deserted with only the odd cyclist and dog walker to keep us company. However, bad planning on my part – the cafe shut an hour before we arrived. I’m not entirely sure what to do on a shoot with no cafe…

But the hills. I’ll be hitting the gym a little more after the hills either side of Gibson Mill taught me a lesson. Obviously it’s the weight of the cameras and backpack. Nothing to do with the cake. Nope.

Can’t wait for September to see these two get married!