Aimee and Kerry and Brympton House

It’s the buzz in the morning which gives it away. When friends and family are already rushing around as I’m walking up the drive, you know it’s going to be a bit of special day. Plus the lead up to Brymptom House makes it feel like you’re entering a fairy tale, which considering the Alice in Wonderland theme, was entirely appropriate.

From the flamingo umbrellas, the ‘eat me’ wedding favours, and the incredible cake, it was like walking into a film set.

Sometimes you can just tell when a couple just work. Aimee and Kerry were on their own unique level, with the ability to make each other laugh and laugh and laugh. The atmosphere around them was incredible and while Brympton House certainly helped, Aimee and Kerry were the main attraction.

As the night went on Aimee and Kerry did not disappoint on the dance floor. Now, I can’t remember who won the dance off, but what I can tell you is that there were certainly no prisoners taken!

Many thanks to Shelly at Toast of Leeds for bringing me along for the day